*The examinee (person taking the polygraph test) and client(s) are expected and required to behave and conduct themselves appropriately and professionally from the time they arrive until the time they depart the testing venue. Any type of threatening or aggressive behaviours, intimidation, shouting or yelling, criminal conduct of any kind, harassment, or any type of behaviours deemed inappropriate, un professional or unlawful, will be grounds for immediate ejection from the office.

*The examinee and or client may not agree with part or the entire polygraph examination test results and or opinions rendered by the examiner. Knowing this fact, the examinee and or client acknowledges that any threatening or aggressive behaviours, intimidation, shouting or yelling, criminal conduct of any kind, harassment, or any type of behaviours deemed inappropriate, un professional or unlawful will be immediately turned over to Garda and will be vigorously prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

*The examinee is expected and required to cooperate fully with the examiner during the entire polygraph examination process. Any excessive or unusual physical body movements or any general lack of cooperation will be grounds for immediate termination of the testing process.

*The examinee fully realizes that the polygraph examination is completely voluntary and that her or she has the right to consult an attorney or anyone else they wish to, before taking a polygraph examination or signing any forms.

*The examinee voluntarily requests and authorizes the Examiner to conduct a polygraph examination.

*The examinee agrees that the examiner will use electronic audio and video recording devices during the entire interview, pre-test, examination and post-test process.

*The examinee voluntarily authorizes the Examiner to attach the blood pressure cuff, electro dermal activity sensors, pneumographs and any other  sensors needed to conduct the polygraph examination test to or on examinee’s body and for the examiner to conduct a polygraph examination.

*As further consideration and inducement for International Polygraph Services to conduct this examination, the examinee represents that he or she is in normal physical and mental condition, is not pregnant and knows of no physical or mental ailment or condition, including pregnancy, which might be impaired by the polygraph examination.

*Examinees under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substance will cause the examination to be cancelled.

*The examinee also understands that the questions to be asked of examinee will be known to examinee before the polygraph examination begins and that examinee has the privilege and right to refuse to answer any questions and or to stop the interview and or examination at any time examinee may so desire.
Examinee is aware that the polygraph examination is strictly voluntary and that examinee cannot be forced to take the polygraph examination.

*The polygraph examination charts and the audio and video recordings are and will permanently remain the property of International Polygraph services and are never released.

*The polygraph examination test results and examiner’s opinion may range from the following: No Deception Indicated/No Significant Reactions (NDI/NSR – The examinee has told the truth), Deception Indicated/Significant Reactions (DI/SR – The examinee has not told the entire truth), Inconclusive/No Opinion Formulated (NO – Inconsistent physiological reactions by the examinee) or Purposeful Non-Cooperation (PNC – The examinee has not fully cooperated 100% during the examination process).*The examination process begins from the appointment start time in our office and ends with either the verbal presentation of the polygraph examination test results. No additional phone consultations and or any other services are included in the examination fee following the examination process.

*There is a 200.00 euro non-refundable deposit to schedule an appointment. The total examination cost is non-refundable for cancellations received less than 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment test date and time, missed appointments or if the examinee and or client arrive after the exact appointment test time for any reason including traffic, weather or medical reasons. The total examination cost is non-refundable regardless of the early termination of the examination process by the client, examinee and or examiner.

*In consideration of, and as an inducement for International Polygraph Services and any of its Examiners, officers and or employees, the examinee and or client RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, AGREE TO A COVENANT NOT TO SUE and COVENANT FOREVER to hold the aforesaid free from all harm, liability or damage to me as a consequence of the polygraph examination, release of the recordings, release of the results, release of the written report and or Examiner’s opinion, International Polygraph  Services Ireland, together with its Examiners, officers and or employees.

*The examinee and or client do hereby RELEASE, WAIVE and FOREVER DISCHARGE International Polygraph Services and any of its Examiners, officers and or employees from any and all suits, actions, causes of action at law, claims, demands, liability of any kind or description which the client and or examinee have now or may have resulting directly or indirectly or remotely from the polygraph examination, operation of all recording devices, releasing of the recordings, the oral and written opinions rendered, releasing of the written report and all future actions taken by the examinee, client or anyone else because of the polygraph examination. The examinee and or client further hereby AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS International Polygraph  Services and any of its Examiners, officers and or employees from any loss, liability, lawsuits, damages or costs, including court costs and attorney’s fees, that they may incur due to the polygraph examination, release of the recordings, release of the results, release of the written report and or Examiner’s opinion and WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF International Polygraph Services Ireland and any of its Examiners, officers and or employees.